i wanted to talk to you today about some
of the work that the new south wales
innovation and productivity council
has been conducting specifically in the
area of
the proposed new south wales government
business hub
and in new south wales the issue is that
we have so many great
opportunities and so many great services
provided by
the state government that industry was
calling for
a way of connecting and enabling people
to access
all of those great offerings from the
state government
in terms of the guidance that's
available to help navigate and help
businesses connect with the
services being provided by the new south
wales state government
the huge amount of information the huge
amount of programs the huge amount of
subsidies and benefits
that are available and the research
conducted by the new south wales
innovation and productivity council
showed that whilst there might be
already many
great services being provided by the new
south wales state government
there's really no one-stop shop no one
place that you can access all of those
and in the context of the often
entrepreneur start-up or scale-up ceo
that's a problem
and so the approach being foreshadowed
and recommended by the innovation of
productivity council report
is to embed a business hub within
service new south wales
as a really convenient one-stop shop
on behalf of the members of the new
south wales innovation and productivity
we commend this report to you with the
hope that it will really enable
the great wave of entrepreneurial spirit
in new south wales
- Executive SummaryDownload File (PDF) 173 KB
- Full ReportDownload File (PDF) 1.5 MB
Running a successful business is challenging at the best of times. Businesses face the complexities of managing day-to-day operations, employing, and retaining the right people, maintaining cashflow and balancing budgets, all while trying to stay competitive and innovative in a global marketplace. Recent events have seen circumstances become even more difficult. NSW businesses have been affected by drought, bushfires, and COVID-19, and the difficult economic conditions of a recession. It is therefore more important than ever that they are able to get the maximum value from the government business services on offer, including assisting them to efficiently navigate and comply with regulatory requirements and licensing processes.
In our report, we:
- draw from international innovation and business services best practice on how the most effective governments coordinate their services to increase accessibility for business and streamline operations; and
- make recommendations on the effective implementation of a preferred model which aims to provide a seamless customer experience for businesses.
We hope our report helps to foster a better environment for business to not only succeed at what it does, but to be more innovative and productive.
*An accessible copy of the report is available on request.