NSW Innovation and Productivity Council membership: Expression of interest
Experts from industry, academia, research and government are invited to express interest in being a member of the NSW Innovation and Productivity Council. Applications have closed.
What we do
The NSW Innovation and Productivity Council (the Council) is a legislative council that provides expertise and thought leadership to government. The Council does this by leading research related to innovation and productivity and providing expert advice. The Council publishes research that covers emerging trends and international best practice.
Appointments are for a term up to three years starting January 2023. Members are expected to attend meetings of the Council, usually once per quarter. Additionally, members may volunteer to act as a project champion for one of the Council’s research projects. The time commitment of a project champion varies according to the length and complexity of the project.
Members can claim sitting fees for their participation on the Council. Remuneration is in line with the NSW Government Boards and Committees Classification and Remuneration Framework.
Any regionally based members will have their travel expenses covered in line with the NSW Government Boards and Committees Classification and Remuneration Framework.
Employees of NSW Government organisations do not receive additional remuneration to join a Board.
Members will be required to declare their interests to ensure the management of any conflicts, in line with the NSW Innovation and Productivity Council Code of Conduct.
The list of members will be made public. See the current list of members.
Assessment criteria and desirable skills and experience
Investment NSW is seeking expressions of interest from leaders across industry, academia and research and government. Applicants will be assessed against the following criteria.
Innovation economy
- Understanding of and insights into the issues effecting innovation, research and development, commercialisation, and productivity in NSW.
- Active engagement in the NSW innovation economy.
- Networks in the global innovation economy.
- Previous experience in business including diverse links to the business community.
- Expertise in building relationships between research and industry.
- Strong domestic and international networks.
The NSW Government is committed to appropriate representation of women, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, people with disability and young people on NSW Government Boards and Committees. In addition, people living and/or working in the NSW Government’s priority areas of Western Sydney and Regional NSW are encouraged to apply for appointment to the Council.
To be eligible to be appointed to a Board, individuals must be:
- an Australian citizen or Australian permanent resident
- a NSW resident or predominantly working in NSW
- aged 18 or over.
All Board members must undertake an NSW Government probity check which includes Confirmation of Identity, National Police History, bankruptcy, and directorships check before their appointment is confirmed.
Applicants are required to complete an expression of interest and provide a full resume
How to apply
Applications opened on Wednesday 3 August 2022 and closed on Tuesday 9 August 2022. No late applications will be accepted.
Assessment panel
Investment NSW will act as secretariat for the entire process, undertake desktop research on applicants, conduct due diligence and progress the selection panel recommendations for approval by the Minister for Science, Innovation and Technology, and Minister for Skills and Training.
Applicants will be assessed by an assessment panel convened by the Minister for Science, Innovation and Technology, and Minister for Skills and Training. A recommendation for appointment will be made to the Minister for Science, Innovation and Technology, and Minister for Skills and Training for approval.
Contact us
For further information, contact the IPC Secretariat.