Edtech to Indonesia
Eligible businesses can apply for free support to deliver education, training, learning and development technologies to Indonesia. Applications have closed.
Program timing
December 2021 to June 2022
Key event
To be advised
Why this market
Indonesia is the largest economy in Southeast Asia with a digital economy that grew 11% through the pandemic, reaching a value of US$44 billion.
Indonesia’s population of 267 million is young (half being under 30 years old) and consists of approximately 60 million students. Almost 70% of Indonesia’s population has access to the internet in 2020, one of the highest rates in the world.
COVID-19 has accelerated the online learning trend and is expected to have a lasting impact even as face-to-face learning returns. Rising aspirations is also seeing an increased demand for high-quality and extracurricular education.
Worth US$112 million in 2019, Indonesia’s edtech industry is predicted to grow at 24.9% annually (Ravenry reportExternal Link).
Approximately 113 million in Indonesia will require retraining to remain relevant in the workforce by 2030 (Ravenry reportExternal Link). The Indonesian government is seeking to add 57 million skilled workers to the economy by 2030.
Participation requirements and success factors
Eligibility for the overall Program
- Have headquarters in NSW
- Be export-capable and export-ready
- Have between 3 and 199 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees
- Have a valid ABN (Australian Business Number) registered for NSW
- Have a commercial product or service
- Have a website featuring the product or service (marketing and promotional costs might be reimbursed through the NSW Export Assistance GrantExternal Link)
- Be prepared to adapt the product or service for the market
- Have a product or service that is produced primarily in NSW
- Be willing to travel to Sydney for events and to the selected market (where and when COVID-19 restrictions permit travel), and must cover their own travel expenses
- Not be considered a trader (meaning the Program is for businesses that produce and add value in NSW)
Additional eligibility requirements for this stream
- Market-ready product or service
- Funding or revenue to support market expansion to Indonesia
- Demonstrated growing customer base in Australia
The ideal participant
- Clear value and selling proposition relevant to the Indonesia market
- Proven capability domestically or globally (for example, an established customer-base, proven technology)
- Clearly defined business model (for example, B2B, B2C or B2B2C)
- Ideally have customers selling internationally
Exporting workshops
- How to craft your pitch for an Indonesian audience
- Intellectual property protection
Market intelligence briefings and cultural training
- Indonesian education ecosystem and doing business in Indonesia.
- Market briefing and sector/market specific opportunities
- Indonesian business culture and etiquette
Industry opportunities
- ‘Voice of Customer’ sessions where you’ll learn about trends in the market and hear directly from actual customers about how they assess and choose prospective products and/or services
- Interactions with companies in the edtech ecosystem
- Potential partner introductions
- Targeted 1:1 business matching
In-market assistance and logistical support
- Introduction to education providers, investors and partners in Indonesia
- Support from onshore and in-market teams from Investment NSW onshore
Ongoing advice
- Ongoing support provided by a dedicated NSW Government team
Note: The curriculum is subject to change.
Applications closed on Monday 29 November 2021.